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Storm Damage
Our region has been impacted by many hail and wind storms over the past few years. Most homeowners that we meet with for roof inspections have some damage as a result. Some of this damage is obvious, such as missing shingles or shakes and loose siding. However, some storm damage is difficult to detect without accessing the roof for an up close inspection. Let our team at Affordable Home Solutions, LLC put your mind at ease with a FREE inspection. If there is sufficient damage on your roof, you may qualify for a replacement through your homeowners insurance policy.

Hail Damage
Hail damage can be devastating to your home. It can affect your Roof, Siding, and Gutters functionality and ability to shed water and ultimately cause leaks. When hail strikes your roof, it can often void the roof warranty. Hail damage will take away from your home’s overall aesthetic appearance and eventually depreciate your home’s value. The key is to act fast!
Homeowners are often unaware that their roof has been damaged by hail until it is too late! It is imperative after every hailstorm to get an expert out to inspect your home for damage and determine if repairs need to be made. Call the storm specialist at Affordable Home Solutions today for your complimentary Hail Damage Evaluation!

Wind Damage
One of the easiest types of Storm Damage to identify is Wind Damage. Ripped, Missing Siding shingles, or Gutters will leave your home defenseless against the elements and water damage. At Affordable Home Solutions we offer a 24 hour Emergency Service team who can cover and temporarily seal any damage to your home to keep everything water tight until we Meet with your Insurance Company and or perform the Restoration work.
One of the easiest types of storm damage to identify is wind damage. Ripped, missing siding, shingles, or gutters will leave your home defenseless against the elements and water damage. At Affordable Home Solutions, we offer a 24-hour Emergency Service team who can cover and temporarily seal any damage to your home to keep everything watertight until we perform the restoration work.

Insurance Claims
At Affordable Home Solutions, we understand that filing an Insurance claim is a big decision. Our knowledgeable and experienced team of inspectors will perform a complementary evaluation of your home to help you decide your next steps.
Most homeowners are worried about their rates increasing due to the filing of a claim. However, insurance companies typically categorize storm damage as no-fault claims or Act of God claims, meaning the chances of your rate increasing is significantly reduced, however, check your individual policy.
The process begins when the homeowner suffers damage to their house. Affordable Home Solutions will evaluate the damage during our complimentary and comprehensive assessment and document the damage, if any, that our professional team storm damage inspectors find. After the damage is evaluated by Affordable Home Solutions, the homeowner will file a claim with their insurance company. The insurance company will send a representative to evaluate the damage. If the insurance company agrees to pay for the damage, then the insurance company will issue a scope of work, which is an approximate estimate of how much it will cost to repair your home. It is typical for the insurance representative to miss damage or initially deny coverage of the damage in the initial scope. That is why Affordable Home Solutions does extensive work, such as submitting pictures and estimates to the insurance company, to show all of the damage that Affordable Home Solutions discovered. This process is called a “supplement,” and we have an entire in-house team dedicated to submitting supplements on insurance claims.
With the exception of certain situations, Affordable Home Solutions does the repair work that is covered by your insurance for the amount (initial claim plus any supplements) that the insurance company states that they will pay, with the homeowner’s only out of pocket expense being their deductible.
Insurance claims can be stressful, but the expertise that Affordable Home Solutions provides will help you throughout the entire process.